2023 Humanitarian Programming in Yemen: Stories of Inspiration [EN/AR]

Yemen is still reeling from nearly a decade of conflict. Protracted displacement, severe deterioration of economic conditions, extensive damaged civilian infrastructure and the collapse of basic services characterize Yemen’s ongoing crisis.
There is no doubt that the Yemeni people continue to face the brunt of the country’s overwhelming and multifaceted challenges. In 2024, a staggering 18.2 million people require humanitarian assistance. Amidst these countrywide needs, however, there are stories of hope–and change.
This booklet is a collective work by the Yemen Humanitarian Communications Network to highlight success stories across the country as a result of 2023 response efforts. They showcase the hope, resilience and humanity that exists in the midst of conflict, climate-related emergencies, and economic deterioration.
In 2023, 229 humanitarian actors supported an average of 8.4 million people per month with life-saving humanitarian assistance and services. The stories below showcase just a few examples of the powerful impacts of such assistance on an individual’s life. Like Ahmed’s, the sole provider for his family and landmine victim, who received specialized medical interventions with the support of an international NGO. Or Hana'a, who was previously studying under the trees until a local organization rehabilitated her school.
Many of these stories highlight the aid community’s work in supporting sustainable solutions through resilience-building programming. These efforts include improving water and sanitation systems, agricultural support, and local capacity-strengthening initiatives that promote livelihoods, combat food insecurity and uplift communities while reducing their vulnerabilities.
These stories are a testimony to the impact of the humanitarian response and its partnerships with the people of Yemen. These stories are the reason we are here to deliver. About the HCN: The Humanitarian Communications Network (HCN) is a community of communicationsfocused staff from local and international organizations and UN agencies engaged in humanitarian efforts in Yemen. The HCN is currently co-chaired by OCHA and CARE.
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.