Press Release

UN-Habitat improves water distribution and sewer networks Aden, Yemen

04 June 2021

Photo: © UNHabitat

Aden, Yemen June 2021 - Residents of six districts in Aden - Al Manquleen, Al Rawdha, Sheikh Othman, Teqaneia, Bir Fadhl and Sirah districts – will see major improvements in water and sewage services after UN-Habitat completes its ongoing work. The work is part of the “Prevention of Water Borne Disease Outbreak through Emergency Repair and Upgrade of Damaged Wastewater Facilities in Aden City- Yemen” project funded by the Government of Japan.





At least 6,000 metres of water and wastewater pipelines, including fittings, valves, accessories, and manholes will beinstalled.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Duraibi, the community focal point of the Al Manquleen district thanked UN-Habitat and Government of Japan for standing by them, as the neighbourhood has suffered for a long time from the lack of clean water availability.

Bassam Thabit, a UN-Habitat engineer, explained that “the neighbourhood relied on random water pipes connections on the surface for a long time. Due to the absence of a sewer network, the sewage overflow to the surface from the pits and mixes with drinking water supply though pipes leakages causing water pollution and different diseases.”

The project will improve the water and sewer networks and reduce the risk of waterborne disease outbreaks. It will directly benefit around 25,000 community members living in the targeted areas and create employment. In addition, employees of Local Water and Sanitation Corporation will be trained on assessment, prevention and management of water and wastewater systems.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative