Locust Farmer Testimonial in Lahj and Hadramout Governorates, Yemen
١٢ يناير ٢٠٢٣
Desert Locusts, considered the most destructive migratory crop pest, have infested large swaths of lands in Yemen. The alarming potential spread of the pest makes it necessary to ramp up Yemen’s capacities to the serious threat to livelihoods and food security. FAO and the World Bank are now partnering through Yemen’s Desert Locust Response Project to build on the gains made. Their response aims to
1) Control the desert locust outbreak
2) Support livelihoods in locust-affected areas
3) Strengthen Yemen’s preparedness and coordination by establishing a network of desert locust control centers and an early response system, and by connecting Yemen with regional networks. Preventing food crises triggered by desert locusts will save lives.