Yemen | Marib Mission | March 2019

The Marib governorate is only 70 km East of Sana’a, yet due to proximity of the front lines, it takes over 8 hours to reach by road from Sana’a, and 2 days through extensive air travel. Once lightly populated and with a reputation for insecurity, it is now in a period of transformation, with a rapid demographic and economic growth.
While Marib benefits from its relative stability and income from natural resources, the influx of population from other governorates and the movements within Marib since 2015 have also brought significant challenges for local authorities, who struggle to provide sufficient services to the growing population. According to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix, of the approximate 750,000 IDPs residing in the governorate, 16% are living in camp-like settlements with little to no humanitarian assistance.
In March 2019, IOM conducted an assessment mission from Sana’a and Aden to Marib city to better understand the needs and plan for an immediate response. The assessment team, consisting of the Deputy Chief of Mission, SNFI/CCCM, Health, Logistics, Security and Protection focal points, spent a week in Marib engaging with local authorities and visiting displacement sites. This initial assessment has resulted in a call to action for IOM and operational teams will be deploying within two weeks in order to respond to the acute needs of the displaced and host community